Friday, May 15, 2009

You look like a monkey...

I feel like I've run into a wall today. We had such a busy morning/early afternoon that once I'm allowed to stop (or at least pause, since my whole house needs a little help) I just want to pass out.

We went to the zoo last Saturday as our last school field trip of the year, and it was SO fun. I really had a blast. We were there for 8 hours (not counting the 3 hours total spent in the car) and we were all wiped out, but I don't think the day could have been better. I won't bore you with all the details because I'm just so nice, but here are some cool pics from the day.

Some baby ducklings and their horribly ugly mama.

Two lions really not happy with all the attention. The one on the left had her eye all tore up.

We found this egg (and dead bird) directly outside one of the birdcages. Sad.

Polar bear. And the next? A polar bear.
A bobcat.

Not a care in the world.

Okapi. Very cool looking animal.
We named him Timon. We're super creative.
I have a theory pandas don't have a problem just lettin it all hang out. Just a hunch.
Need something pretty to distract me from the panda innards.
Okay. That's better.
Quite possibly my favorite photo of the day.

The zoo had a new baby giraffe that I was SO excited to see. Turns out when I got there, I couldn't care less. Because this beauty was staring back at me.
Okay, enough pictures.
I think I have about a gazillion more, but I won't bore you. And I am too lazy to edit the rest.


  1. Awsome pic's. I've never been there. Looks like a neat Zoo.


  2. Yes, the zoo is awesome. We were planning on going but it didn't work out. We did visit the LA zoo in February and that was s blast! Let's get the kids together this summer. I would love to see you guys.

  3. Looks like a super neat zoo! My kids (okay, and me and Robby, too) would love it.


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