Sunday, November 4, 2007

Great day

It's so funny that we couldn't go to Big Bear yesterday because it was too cold to take a boat on the lake (61) so instead we headed over in our shorts and flip-flops to a different lake in the 92 degree weather. Who says we don't get seasons in Southern California?? We just get them all in one day! ;)

We had a great weekend, though it went way too quickly as they always do. Hunkie let me sleep in yesterday and it took us a while to get out of the house, but we headed out to this new, man-made lake. It was gorgeous and so peaceful. We were only out there for about an hour and 20 minutes, but it was just what we needed to spend time alone, enjoying our little family.

Today, despite the time change, we decided to go to the 3rd service at church instead of our normal 2nd, so BH could sleep in and we could relax a little. So I hung out with the kids this morning (and headed to the store for some much needed coffee creamer! I'd gone without long enough!), and we all left about 11am. We had originally planned on just relaxing today and not making plans, but when we saw my parents at church it turned out my mom wanted me to go shopping with her. Seems to be our new Sunday tradition. ;) We shop while the guys watch football! It's a win/win! lol

Well, just wanted to pop my head in! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new fridge! How nice of your parents :) I'll say a prayer for your sister. Hope everything went great.


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