I have been so majorly sick since Saturday that my brain has no allowed for any thoughts (at least ones that make sense) to occupy my self-pitying brain. I woke up Saturday morning, of course one of our busiest Saturdays in a while, feeling like there was a porcupine in my throat. I didn't think much of it other than "I can't get sick" and took some Emergen-C. Mikey had an All-Stars tee-ball game (I guess at that age they judge them on how well they run to first base whether you're already out or not, being no one keeps score and every kid scores) and then his team party right after. And did I mention Big Hunk was working that day? So all me, baby. Well, he met us for the game, but couldn't stay away from the wonderful world of tires for longer than that. He's livin' the dream.
So long story short- within hours I felt like I was going to die and begged to just go through childbirth again. God chuckled and kept me on the couch in pain for a good 4 days before I finally started to feel human yesterday. I was miserable, but now I'm freeeee.
And just in time to make every little detail for Miss Ikey's big 5th birthday party! I can't even tell you how excited she is. It's so cute- every morning she'll run downstairs to count how many days left (though now she has it memorized) and say "Mama!! Only ___ days till my birthday!" So sweet. She chose to have a Tinkerbell birthday, and her Nana got her a cute purple Tinkerbell swimsuit. I am PRAYING that on her birthday (the 25th) or right around there I can afford to take her to get her ears pierced. She's been wanting it for months and it's just so darn expensive these days. I am praying I'll get a photography job before then and be able to do it- along with lunch and maybe even a pedicure with my girl. :) We so need a girls day! I never dreamed I'd have to break the bank just to afford ear-piercing.
The beginning of our summer has been low-key and wonderful. We went to Cracker Jack's graduation on Friday night and even though we didn't actually get to talk to him that night, he did ask if we could meet him for dinner on Sunday so that was nice. And I dragged my sick-as-a-polywog-butt out of bed so I could see him (and then pay the price later). My other stepson was in town as well and was at the graduation, but was sweet and decided he didn't want to interrupt the graduation by coming to say hello to his dad & stepmom, and brother & sister. Anyway. I'll share photos of the graduation as soon as my computer decides to stop holding them ransom and tells me where they are.
Guess I should stop avoiding the much-needed shower being it is afternoon now and there is no excuse for a grown woman in her pajamas. I won't even add that I just got back from dropping off Big Hunk's lunch. In my pajamas. Because that would just be embarrassing.
Seriously? Five?!! Where is the time going?
ReplyDeleteDid you hear that the new parade at D-land for summer is starring T-Bell...and so is the fireworks show. Maybe you saw it last week...I forgot you went LOL! Bet Ikey will love it! When we went to D-World they had a parade with her in it and she flew from the castle during the firework. I didn't even know the boys would know who she is and they were about jumping out of their skin with excitement.
Can't wait to see her ears once they're piecered. I got mine done for my 5th birthday too ;)