Saturday, December 22, 2007

For a moment

I've only got a moment before Ikey's show is over and we head back out shopping (we came home to unload groceries and make her lunch), but I wanted to post a couple pics of Mike's Christmas performance last week. I didn't get many good shots because A.) my son was instructed to sit on his knees and thought this meant down as far as he could get, behind the head of the kid in front of him, B.) despite our being in the front row, every other parent in the building took on role of paparazzi and could not stop running in front of us to snap shots of their kids (can I help it that I love my son more and got there early enough to get good seats?... I kid), and C.) Ike was insanely grouchy after taking a short nap in the car, and giving her the camera was an easy bribe to keep her from screaming bloody murder during the short service.

FYI: Point C did not work so well and I'm pretty sure we won't be allowed back. ;)

(he's the smiling, blurry face in the middle)

Notice Big Hunk's hand beckoning him in, despite the teacher (that you can't see) trying to round up all the kids in the other direction.

And I could post more, but just how many shots do you need of a bunch of kids looking around the room in bad lighting?

It really was so cute though, and I'm glad Mike was part of it. Tomorrow night (Sunday) the children's choir will come up for one song as well, though I won't get to see it. I am in the choir (the big kids' one though) and we are doing the worship for the Sunday & Monday evening services. :)

Well, I wanted to post more pics but it's taking too long to upload and I need to get some shopping done. I am DETERMINED to be done today!!


  1. Happy New Year! May God Bless you in 2008! Jess :-)

  2. Cute pictures! He looks thrilled to be up there :)

    Happy New Year!


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